Norman's Tags and Title

 Welcome To Maryland

Maryland Law Requires That A New Resident Title And Register Their Vehicle Within Sixty Days of Taking Residence

Returning To Maryland

If your vehicle was previously titled in Maryland, in your name, and you had Maryland permanent metal tags on the vehicle:
    1. No Maryland Safety Inspection is required.
    2. Need Maryland insurance information:
        A. Company and binder or policy number
    3. You will surrender your current out-of-state title for a Maryland title:
         A. If your lienholder is holding your title
              a. Call Norman's for more information.
    4. No excise tax is collected.

New To Maryland And You Are The Private Owner Of The Vehicle

If you are currently making payments and your lienholder is holding your title:
    1. Call Norman's for more information.

If your vehicle is 2019 or newer:
    1. Maryland will allow you tax credit for excise tax you paid to another state:
         A. Unless you have had your Maryland driver's license for more than sixty days.
    2. If the excise tax you paid to another state is equal to or greater than 6%, you will pay $100.00 in excise tax.
    3. If the excise tax you paid to another state is less than 6%, you will pay the difference in the percentage, based on Maryland's book value of the vehicle.
    4. To receive tax credit you must title your vehicle within 60 days from the issue date on your Maryland driver's license.

If your vehicle is a 2018 and older:
    1. You will pay $38.40 in excise tax:
         A. No matter the make or model of the vehicle.
         B. No matter when you obtain your Maryland driver's license.

Maryland Safety Inspection:
A. Inspections are now electronic.
  B. Required for all used vehicles except for Historic vehicles, Street Rod vehicles, and Farm Area vehicles.
  C. The inspection is valid for 90 days from the date issued.
  D. If the vehicle has not passed a Maryland Safety Inspection, then you may apply for temporary tags valid for 30 days.

You will need:
1. The original out-of-state title
2. Maryland Safety Inspection Certificate
3. Maryland Insurance information - company and binder or policy number
4. If re-recording a lien:
   A. The original amount and date of the loan
5. MD Driver's License or MD Soundex#:
   A. Without a Maryland driver's license or a Maryland soundex number, it will take Norman's one to two business days to process and obtain your tags and/or registration.

New To Maryland And Your Are The Lessee Of The Vehicle

1. Original Out-of-State Title

2. Maryland Safety Inspection:
   A. Required for all used vehicles except for Historic vehicles, Street Rod vehicles, and Farm Area vehicles.
   B.  Inspections are now electronic.
   C. The inspection is valid for 90 days from the date issued.
   D. If the vehicle has not passed a Maryland Safety Inspection, then you may apply for temporary tags valid for 30 days.

3. If your leased vehicle is a 2019 or newer:
    A. Maryland will allow you tax credit for tax you already paid, with some exceptions.
    B. Must be registered within 60 days for Maryland tax credit.

4. If your leased vehicle is a 2018 and older:
    A. You will pay $38.40 in excise tax:
         No matter the make and model of the vehicle
         No matter when you obtain a Maryland driver's license

You will need:
    1. Original title
    2. Maryland Safety Inspection Certificate
    3. Maryland insurance information
         A. Company and binder or policy number
    4. Copy of your lease contract to calculate the excise tax you already paid, with some exceptions. Call Norman's for more information.

New To Maryland And A Company Is The Owner Of The Vehicle

If you are currently making payments and the lienholder is holding the title:
    1. Call Norman's for more information.

If the company vehicle is a 2019 or newer:
    1. Maryland will allow the company tax credit for excise tax paid to another state.
    2. If the excise tax the company paid to another state is equal to or greater than 6%, the company will pay $100.00 in excise tax.
    3. If the excise tax the company paid to another state is less than 6%, the company will pay the difference in the percentage, based on Maryland's book value of the vehicle. The Maryland MVA uses NADA for book values.

If the company vehicle is a 2018 and older:       
    1. The company will pay $38.40 in excise tax.
         A. No matter the make or model of the vehicle
    2. Maryland Safety Inspection is required if:
         A. The vehicle has never been previously titled in Maryland in the company's name.

You will need:
    1. Original title
    2. Maryland Safety Inspection Certificate
    3. Maryland insurance information
         A. Company and binder or policy number.
    4. Z#, which can be found on other titles and registration cards already owned by the company in Maryland. If this is the first vehicle you are trying to register in the company name, you must provide the Federal Employers Identification Number (FEIN).

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